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Where everything began

As a high school student, I am totally clueless. Clueless to the level of having no idea why am I even exist so when I finally get into medical school I kind of "just go with the flow" muttering things like "I want to help people" to everyone that asked me why I want to be a doctor without any intention to actually live by the words. I remember vividly how happy I am to have new friends all around, those that stay my best friends until this very day : exploring jogja, freedom of finally living on our own, joined organizations - First year excitement.

It was basically a fine life to live but I knew deep down that something was missing, something within myself and it is the journey to find that something I have lot to do with this place.

During weekdays or even weekends on my first year I usually passed this part of the campus on my way from the dorm to the faculty (vice versa) so I got familiar with this place. It is here where I started to think about everything, lots of them including to do well in school, and guess what? I did. Though I was so clueless I know that I need to do well with everything-academic, what good will this do-well bring for me? No idea. At least my parents won't cut my pocket money off hahaha.

Mostly, I don't remember what I thought about specifically but I always know that I won't be the person that I am now without the golden light from those streetlight streaming down, while I realizing that Allah will never leaves us alone so I need to have a little more faith, or that the green shoes I just bought have nothing to match with. Priorities, as my mind decided.

Now that I am really close to my Hippocratic oath, the memories flow in and suddenly I am a ball of emotion. Seesshh. After this, life may be more challenging but I know, everything that I need is right within its place. Here is where everything began and from here, we'll take higher.

Semoga kita bermanfaat, menjadikan Indonesia lebih baik!


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