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Marrying Your Job

Around three months ago I went to my bestfriend’s Hippocratic Oath Taking ceremony. It was two weeks before my UKMPPD and while walking into the room, the question popping up : Am I going to happily marrying my job? Because a lil bit different from other jobs, being a doctor means that you take the job for a lifetime. You are everyday a doctor for the rest of your life.

Amidst the happiness and all, the question gave me the chance to picture a wedding, because it's true : before sumpah you kind of prepare anything : You study for UKMPPD, for the OSCE and all and you wait for that day when you finally taking your oath to do your job. Marriage plays the same. The one day happiness that comes with a lifetime responsibility.

Taking picture, wearing kebaya and make-up, walking with gamelan, taking picture and feel happy knowing that it is YOUR day. Yet, slipped behind the felicitation you receive is the fact that you're on your own for the rest of the journey, and be it bad or good days you have to carry on, living the best out of it. Thinking about the day after the ceremony turned me into a ball of emotion : I feel happy yet sad, nostalgic yet relieved. Adulthood hit you real hard with the celebrated ceremony while actually kicking you out, smart right?

The convocation day was wonderful, I met lots of my friends that I haven’t met for months and gossshhhh I miss them so much! I’ve been used to see them almost everyday for years that now I am no longer seeing them….It feels like....Why do we have to grow up?? *cries a river*

I don’t really believe that home should be a place, but if it is then this school is the closest definition of home. All the hours I’ve spend, the friendship I have made, the memory I will always cheers on. A safe house it has always been.

For now, I will be out but maybe see you in a while, eh?

Anyway, congratulations doc!

Mi lova! <3

Manikomers, magically full team

Fahmi's friend *coughing* *bella was sleepy, mind her*

Through all those sleepy lectures!

The goons

I should be awarded best third-wheeler of the year #whereismycrown

The girls : two are taken and going to be Mrs. this year!


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