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Backup for (no) drama

So we start 2018 with drama.

By we I mean me and myself.

It was quite a nice friday night, January 29th I drove to an internet cafĂ© to check its wifi’s speed for my internship-portal-combat but since the wifi is only available at the outdoor area I have to go from one table to another avoiding smoker customers because I just hate to inhaled or having my clothes (and my hair!) smells like cigarettes. The problem was to my forgetfulness I did not charge my laptop beforehand, so while running some programs on it and moving in between tables my laptop suddenly turned off. I was not panicked because it was not really the first time. Little did I know that a disaster just took place.

When I finally reached the plugs and turned it on it did not respond. My laptop has turned off completely and showed no signs of actually about to restart itself as usual. So I stupidly did the manual restart. Nothing shows. NOTHING. Only that little loading sign and it turned off again. MEN, WHAT DID JUST HAPPEN?? I started to panic. Long story short, the software is broken. There is this corrupt data bank and this or that for I understand nothing. What I knew was my laptop is broken. OMG. I can’t use my laptop. Like, how can one survive life without laptop??!?

How. Do. I. Live. Before. Laptop.

I tried to fix it and went to a well-known computer services office. After three painful days, they stold me that they may be able to fix it but all my data will be lost. Unbearable as it is, I decided to ask a close acquaintance to fix it (bless his heart) so perhaps he could try to safe my files. Eventually I care about nothing more than the sake of my data in this laptop (oh, ya I am still use my tyrana after she’s being fixed). It was two torturing-weeks of having no laptop (and thus being extremely unproductive and miserable) before the day arrived. He came 2 days ago and told me the painful part of how it wass already broken even though he tried to fix it and the detail of how I lost all my files. ALL. I REPEAT. ALL.

*cries blood*

To make matter worse, I actually did not back up my file to my hard disk since ummm forever? So yeah, screw me. Now all the documents that I have been working on, the 3D printing, the programs, my blogpost, the educative videos, everything is converted into some numerical binary and digits too broke to be read. Tyrana (my laptop’s name in case you are wondering) is even using Vhays’s internal hard disk for now hahaha! I need to buy a new one, immediately.

Of course, to look at the good side my laptop is now clean as new and I can start a brand new life with this "new" laptop *sarcastic laugh* no, seriously I am still utterly grateful that it is still working fine. I cannot and do not want to imagine how would it be if I need to buy a new laptop *scratching my bank account* so ya, me being grateful also because now I have something to work on and finally able to post on this blog again hahaha.

Baby's back. The world is all shine and bright again.

Anyway, in all the light, this post is a reminder for me and thus I want to remind you too to BACK UP YOUR DATA FOR GOD SAKE! Go back it up now because having all your months (or years?) of working vanished is really, not the best feeling and especially not if you are about to go for your internship and have to submit all the works you have done. 

*heart stills bleeding*


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