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Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

The moment when I don’t want to be a doctor

Disclaimer: Not all of the details will be written as to respect the patient. “To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always” – It is what a doctor’s main responsibility. I remember that sacred line by Dr. Edward Trudeau said by my lecturers back in med-school and for six years I have been repeatedly told about it, that the sentence engraved within my sub-consciousness yet my willingness to cure overweight my judgment to comfort that night. It was around 7.30 PM when a nurse called me to the ward to check on a patient. She had dyspnea, her breathing was not optimal and although we gave the supplementary oxygen and her SpO2 was 96% I knew something was wrong. The next two hours I found myself sweating from going back and forth to the ER and the ward because oddly our ER that used to be quiet had other patients waiting to see me including another one with dyspnea and as I went to the ward to check on her, her GCS is fastly dropping. I called the family, h...

Festival Durian Hutumuri

“Satu biji durian itu 57 kalori loh” ujar seorang teman mengingatkan via DM Instagram beberapa hari sebelum saya menghabiskan sekitar 1500 kalori king of fruit ini di Hutumuri. Siang itu jumat 6 April, saya sedang iseng jalan-jalan sendirian ke daerah Waiheru-Passo dan ga sengaja ngeliat banner bertuliskan “Festival Durian Hutumuri, 7 April 2018” Hah? Festival apa? Sebagai manusia yang lemah terhadap durian, teman-teman internship di grup Whatsapp saya kabari dengan segara dan kami lalu bersepakat, nanti setelah maghrib saya akan ngecek tiketnya dulu ke Ambon City Center lalu tandjap kita besok harinya. Ternyata begitu sampai di ACC, jreng. Loket tiketnya udah tutup. Apa-apan??! Hahaha tapi hidup mewajibkan untuk tidak mudah berputus asa punya kenalan (thanks Ninikski) dan akhirnya dapat info kalau masih boleh beli tiket on the spot . Paginya formasi yang awalnya akan berangkat berempat jadi tinggal bertiga wanita karena ada yang harus jaga IGD pagi, okelah tentu yang...

Starting a new start

Hi! A bit update will do no harm, I suppose… So, I am doing my second month of internship here in Ambon. It was shocking how time flied yet I have not done anything worth mentioning (read : I am all the time having fun by myself a.k.a napping). How’s Ambon? I will start with : Hot, literally. I am most certain that the word I used the most while being here is “PANAS” but I can’t help it. Ambon, located in the eastern and surrounded by the sea is the good reason for its stabbing sunlight and its extremely moist temperature that resulting in me being basically drenched in sweat every single day. So I basically need an anti-dotum (and a bathroom scale as its consequence) The story of how I ended up with the hospital I am now in was a bit drama. I have decided that I don’t want Jogja for internship although of course the opportunity for side-job or seminar and other stuffs are better there. But no, Maluku it is. So, I skipped my chance at the first day where...


Have you seen that movie where the lead woman cries out for leaving her lover? Except that I don’t have that lover, I actually feeling like crying, leaving Jogja. Internship is finally here and it is not like I am leaving forever but stiiilllll These days I only eat my jogja-food compromise of Lotek bu Bagyo, genther, sushi, Tempo gelato and some more lotek bu Bagyo. I have been on borderline emotional as well. At first, I felt lost then nervous then excited all in less than 12 hours bhahaha. My flight was at night so in the morning I drove around two hours just because I want to feel Jogja again and felt so nostalgic before getting excited again somehow like 5 minutes after. Jogja for me is home as well as for those willing to share the humane flaws within themselves. A place that provide warm and familiarity to human longing for place to be called home. Certainly, like every place it in the world Jogja has its own lack and not really everyone find Jogja as t...

Backup for (no) drama

So we start 2018 with drama. By we I mean me and myself. It was quite a nice friday night, January 29 th I drove to an internet cafĂ© to check its wifi’s speed for my internship-portal-combat but since the wifi is only available at the outdoor area I have to go from one table to another avoiding smoker customers because I just hate to inhaled or having my clothes (and my hair!) smells like cigarettes. The problem was to my forgetfulness I did not charge my laptop beforehand, so while running some programs on it and moving in between tables my laptop suddenly turned off. I was not panicked because it was not really the first time. Little did I know that a disaster just took place. When I finally reached the plugs and turned it on it did not respond. My laptop has turned off completely and showed no signs of actually about to restart itself as usual. So I stupidly did the manual restart. Nothing shows. NOTHING. Only that little loading sign and it turned off again. MEN, WHA...


Halo, 2018! Selamat tahun baru bagi yang merayakan! Dan tidak selamat tahun baru bagi yang tidak merayakan! Woah, seriusan rasanya baru tiga bulan yang lalu ngepost soal pre-UKMPPD dan segala persiapannya lalu tiba-tiba udah 2018 aja? 2017 adalah pertama kalinya kerja dan menggunakan gaji untuk menopang diri sendiri HAHAHA. Banyak juga hal-hal baik yang terjadi selama 2017 terutama beberapa bulan belakangan yang amat disyukuri, semoga tahun ini kita bisa berbuat lebih banyak kebaikan lagi! Anw, dikarenakan saya anaknya penuh analisis kurang kerjaan maka izinkan saya untuk menuliskan teori-teori tentang banyaknya teman sejawat yang menikah tahun 2017 karena rasa-rasanya krusial perlu untuk menuliskan salah satu highlight kegiatan tahun lalu : menghadiri kondangan teman seangkatan hahaha. Kapan menikah sebenarnya adalah becandaan yang khas bagi anak kedokteran dikarenakan masa sekolah kami yang panjang dan ga habis-habis.  Sumber : 9gag All too famil...