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Menampilkan postingan dari 2019

Keterima Beasiswa Pemerintah Australia (AAS) intake 2020 – Bagian 1

Halo! Lama banget ga update blog tau-tau udah akhir tahun aja. Alhamdulillah tsumma Alhamdulillah, beberapa bulan yang lalu saya berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa dari pemerintah Australia melalui skema Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) dan In shaa Allah akan melanjutkan pendidikan S2, Master of Public Health di The University of Melbourne. Jadi, mau sedikit berbagi cerita ya! Kenapa ngelanjutin S2? It might sounds cliché, tapi berasal dari pengalaman sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran dan penyedia layanan kesehatan, saya menyadari bahwa pelayanan yang saya berikan sangat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai kebijakan kesehatan, dan meningkatkan kesehatan di hilir saja dengan mengobati pasien yang sakit tidaklah cukup jika target kita adalah meningkatkan taraf kesehatan rakyat. Sewaktu magang sebagai asisten peneliti di PKMK FK UGM saya menyadari bahwa kemampuan saya masih kurang, ada disparitas ilmu pengetahuan terkait public health yang saya miliki. Terutama mengingat p...

Wrap-up getaway

Hello! I know writing about 2018 in 2019 is such a party popper thing to do, but I have been having stuffs to do ever since Christmas and only have the quiet time now, so let me. Hahahaha. Two days before Christmas a friend asked me if I want to join him for this short getaway at Morella, a quite, small bay with our friends, and I said yes because it was after my shift and I will be having two days off. Yet, post the rare-24-hours-sleepless-shift I fell asleep and thought that they had been leaving so bye bye getaway. But turns out, my friend has this job stuffs coming and had not yet left. So, the three of us; me, Irsyad and Umi (I’ll tell you about this hilarious girl later) took the two hours drive after Maghrib. The place located in Morella, specifically in a small bay called Lubang Buaya. It consisted of several cottages operated by the locals, and ours was in the corner of the bay. The cottage including a small room with an open dock overviewing the sea. Unlik...