If I could write anything about going home it is about how much I always reflect on things (but ain’t really got time for that one this time) I only go home once a year, first because it was far and expensive (taking yours truly, usually two days on normal basis) second because my medical school schedule didn’t let me to do it. So yeah, a hoorayyyy that I actually can go home! This year mudik -as waiting at the airport could be deadly boring- I took some time to make observations on those pemudik, especially all of the keluarga muda and their mudik with little baby. From my enlightening (but definitely exhausting) experience on pediatric department, babies are the kind of creature that get bored sooooo easily. So you have to have like billions things (and by things I mean toys) to keep them entertained because once they got bored they will scream and cry and roll themselves over the floor, doing whatever possible causing riot. So for me these parents are cool (some ...